Friday, September 23, 2011

Rise & Rise Again - Until the lambs become Lions

What are your limits? 

When you ask people this question - you get such different answers. One might say, I can work for 18 hours straight without moving from my desk, one might say I can endure pain to no ends, one might say I can lift 50 kgs of weights at gymn, one might even say I have no limits, the list just continues endlessly...

what is the real question here ? Does one mean what a mind can conjure, does one mean what a heart can withhold or does one mean what a body can withstand - what is this limit we are talking about? Its an old saying that not all fingers on the hand are the same, so are all people different. Hence it is no surprise that the answer to the  question of limit varies from person to person, to what their understanding of their self is.

I beg to differ from the common crowd, limit of one's self is rather based on what the situation they are put in. So as common to people's belief, it is not a controllable aspect of life, but is weaved into you as a person with the pattern of life, one lives. Now I know there are extra-ordinary people who have broken limits defined or seen in this world. Their stories are used as examples for motivation & inspiration for the rest on how one can surpass their limits - which of course highlights  personality traits like hard-work, dedication, focus discipline, so on & so forth. 

Does this mean the rest of them who have not broken barriers are lazy, ill-disciplined, aimless....?
The answer is no. Everybody is born the same in this world, it is how your life mould you as a person, the situations that you are put in, that make make you or break you. These situations help us to understand our limits. The highlight of defining one's limit is that it is a never-ending process. You are always re-defining your limit with every situation you face in your life. According to me, a real-understanding of one's self comes to people very rare & to a very few, most have this glimpse only in their death-beds.

As many people as I have come across always try to challenge the situations, maybe because it is not in-line to their wishes & wants. Instead, you accept the situations, learn & grow so to see & understand how these situations are helping you to define yourself, then you know what your limits are. In this movie called, 'Robin Hood', there is this dialogue which always rings a bell in my head, " Rise, & rise again ... Until the lambs become lions" ..... What this signifies is, dont let anything stop you. For the lambs to become the lions, they need to learn every time, they rise what it takes to be a lion. To do this, they must first realize as lambs what they can do & cannot do.

Dont define your limit, rather define yourself by learning from the situations life has to offer & one day you will see yourself to be the Lion.